Документ скасований: Лист ДМСУ (до 2012) № 11/3-14/8521-ЕП від 15.07.2005
вiд 25.10.2002 р. | N 11/4-14-10015-ЕП |
Начальникам регiональних митниць | |
Начальникам митниць |
Вiдповiдно до листа
Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638 направляємо
перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, якi
видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцiю за перiод з 23 по 29 вересня 2002 року.
AB 651692 | 23.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20000 |
AB 651693 | 24.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20500 |
AB 651698 | 24.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 651695 | 24.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20000 |
AB 651697 | 24.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20000 |
AB 651699 | 25.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20500 |
AB 651700 | 25.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 651569 | 27.09.2002 | canned fish | 66710 | |
AB 651704 | 27.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 651703 | 27.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 651702 | 27.09.2002 | VRHL | salted baltic sprats | 20000 |
AB 727465 | 25.09.2002 | CANNED FISH 4375 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 3625 places, baltic herring in oil 160 gr 100 places, baltic herring in oil 250 gr 100 places, sprats paste 160 gr 200 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 200 places, sprats in oil 100 gr 100 places, baltic sardines in oil 100 gr 50 places) | 67945 | |
AB 727464 | 24.09.2002 | CANNED FISH 4415 places (sprats in oil 100 gr 190 places, sprats in oil 160 gr 3390 places, sprats in tomato sause 160 gr 50 places, sprats in tomato sause 250 gr 50 plces, sprats in tomato sause 100 gr 50 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 200 places, baltic herring in oil 160 gr 40 places, baltic herring in oil 250 gr 100 places, sprats paste 160 gr 100 places, fried baltic herring in tomato sauce 250 gr 10 places, baltic sardines in oil 160 gr 15 places, baltic sardines in oil 100 gr 100 places, baltic sardines in tomato sauce 100 gr 30 places, home-like sprats 160 gr 60 places, fish rissoles in tomato sauce 250 gr 30 places) | 67918 | |
AB 727466 | 27.09.2002 | CANNED FISH 4355 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 4355 places | 67938 | |
AB 713337 | 23.09.2002 | AS Dagotar | canned fish | 67900 |
AB 713339 | 24.09.2002 | AS Dagotar | canned fish | 32496 |
AB 713340 | 25.09.2002 | AS Dagotar | canned fish | 32400 |
AB 629538 | 26.09.2002 | HAKO LTD | SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL | 22376.2 |
AB 753567 | 23.09.2002 | Crab sticks | 20523 | |
AB 686148 | 23.09.2002 | Makrill | Crab sticks | 18977 |
AB 712026 | 23.09.2002 | Gramus | Spicy sal sprats | 20600 |
AB 710557 | 23.09.2002 | Masterhansa | Spice salted sprats | 20000 |
AB 680691 | 23.09.2002 | Reenest invest | Salted spice sprats | 20000 |
AB 710558 | 23.09.2002 | Masterhansa | Spice salted sprats | 20400 |
AB 710559 | 23.09.2002 | Masterhansa | Spice salted sprats | 20400 |
AB 735752 | 24.09.2002 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 20000 |
AB A683793 | 24.09.2002 | Koskel | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 20500 |
AB 686149 | 25.09.2002 | Makrill | Crab sticks | 19812 |
AB 683304 | 25.09.2002 | Krapesk | Baltic spicy sprats | 21000 |
AB 753571 | 25.09.2002 | Crab sticks | 19992 | |
AB 683305 | 25.09.2002 | Krapesk | Baltic spicy sprats | 20000 |
AB 710561 | 25.09.2002 | Masterhansa | Spice salted sprats | 19900 |
AB 712027 | 25.09.2002 | Gramus | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 736095 | 25.09.2002 | Maksiprof | Saolted sprats in spices | 19800 |
AB 754411 | 26.09.2002 | Exma holding | Smoked sprats in oil | 6794,4 |
AB 683306 | 26.09.2002 | Krapesk | Spicy baltic sprats | 160000 |
AB 753574 | 26.09.2002 | Fish fingers | 20517 | |
AB 668361 | 26.09.2002 | Spratfil | Sprats in spices | 20000 |
AB 683824 | 27.09.2002 | Alcandra corn | Preserv salt sprats | 19500 |
AB 735754 | 27.09.2002 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 20000 |
AB 735751 | 27.09.2002 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 21500 |
AB 712029 | 27.09.2002 | Gramus | Spices salted baltic sprats | 20000 |
AB 712028 | 27.09.2002 | Gramus | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 680692 | 27.09.2002 | Reenest invest | Salted spice sprats | 20000 |
AB 689171 | 27.09.2002 | Reperte | Spice salted sprats | 20400 |
AB 722128 | 27.09.2002 | Reperte | Spice salted sprats | 20000 |
AB 718935 | 23.09.2002 | LTD Maseko | herring in oil blanched smoked herring in oil herring in own juice with oil added herring in torn. sauce with sour cabbage herring in tomato sauce with onion sardines in own juice with oil added Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/ sardines in oil /slices/ sardines in tomato sauce blenched sardines in oil blanched | 7867 |
AB 718936 | 23.09.2002 | LTD Maseko | sardinella in oil blanched sardinella in own juice with oil added sardinella in tomato sauce with onion sardinella in tomato sauce blanched sardinella in t/sauce with sour cabbage Baltic herring in oil blanched smoked Baltic herring in oil fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce Peitus sparlings in tomato sauce smoked sprats in oil mackerel in oil blanched mackerel in tomato sauce blanched mackerel in own juice with oil added fishchops in tomato sauce fishballs in tomato sauce smoked sprats paste | 58412 |
AB 716555 | 27.09.2002 | Ramarin Center | salted Baltic sprats | 19200 |
AB 718940 | 25.09.2002 | LTD Maseko | smoked herring in oil herring in own juice with oil added Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/ | 46360 |
sardines in oil blanched sardines in own juice with oil added sardines in tomato sauce blanched smoked sprats in oil sardinella in own juice with oil added sardinella in tomato sauce blanched Baltic herring in oil blanched smoked Baltic herring in oil Fried Baltic herring in tom. sauce mackerel in oil blanched mackerel in tomato sauce blanched smoked sprats in oil | ||||
AB 718941 | 25.09.2002 | LTD Maseko | smoked sprats paste | 16960 |
Заступник Голови Служби | П. Пашко |
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