вiд 20.11.2002 р. N 11/7-14-11347-ЕП


Начальникам регiональних митниць
Начальникам митниць

     Вiдповiдно до листа Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638 направляємо перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, якi видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцiю за перiод з 4 по 10 листопада 2002.

AB 651974 04.11.2002 frozen sprat 19900
AB 651875 05.11.2002 salted baltic sprats 19800
AB 651877 05.11.2002 salted baltic sprats 60000
AB 651590 05.11.2002 canned fish 66685
AB 651878 08.11.2002 frozen baltic sprats 19845
AB 651977 08.11.2002 spice sprat 19000
AB 652062 08.11.2002 canned fish 18360
AB 652061 08.11.2002 canned fish 67540
AB 651879 08.11.2002 salted baltic sprats 20600
AB 651978 08.11.2002 spice sprat 19800
AB 713354 04.11.2002 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 67450
AB 713355 07.11.2002 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 67930
AB 713356 08.11.2002 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 60000
AB 661086 08.11.2002 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 44693
AB 717524 08.11.2002 Permare LTD frozen cooked cold water shell 36325
on shrimp
AB 718455 04.11.2002 AS Pomes Feeds fishmeal 40000
AB 716926 05.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 19500
AB 718957 05.11.2002 LTD Maseko herring in oil 21600
AB 717024 06.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20900
AB 717283 06.11.2002 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 717284 06.11.2002 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB 717282 06.11.2002 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 60000
AB 716927 06.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 21500
AB 716928 06.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20200
AB 717025 07.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20150
AB 718964 08.11.2002 LTD Maseko herring in oil 22005
herring in tomato sauce
smoked sprats in oil
sprats paste
peitus sparlings in tomato sauce
AB 717026 08.11.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 60000
AB 718961 04.11.2002 LTD Maseko herring in own juice oil added 55758,5
herring in oil blanched
smoked herring in oil
sardines in own juice with oil added
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
sardinella in own juice with oil added
sardinella in oil blanched
Baltic herring in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
sprats in tomato sauce
AB 718962 04.11.2002 LTD Maseko mackerel in own juice with oil added 11722,5
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
mackerel in oil blanched
fishchops in tomato sauce
fishballs in tomato sauce
smoked sprats paste
AB 718963 04.11.2002 LTD Maseko herring in oil blanched 65850
smoked herring in oil
herring in own juice with oil added
sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
sprats in tomato sauce
Baltic herring in oil blanched
fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
fishballs in tomato sauce
AB 718966 06.11.2002 LTD Maseko smoked sprats paste 30915
AB 718965 06.11.2002 LTD Maseko smoked herring in oil 35038
herring in oil blanched
smoked herring in oil
Atlantic herring in tomato sauce
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
herring in tomato sauce
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
smoked sprats in oil
sardinella in own juice with oil added
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
Baltic herring in oil blanched
fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce
mackerel in oil blanched
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
AB 764348 04.11.2002 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 65700
AB 764150 04.11.2002 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 60000
AB 686171 04.11.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 19514
AB 686172 05.11.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 18960
AB 768126 05.11.2002 Esmari laevad Frozen sprats 60000
AB 768124 05.11.2002 Reenest invest Salted spice sprats 60000
AB 764152 05.11.2002 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 20500
AB 768125 05.11.2002 Reenest invest Salted spicy sprats 60000
AB 765391 05.11.2002 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 54000
AB 765393 06.11.2002 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 54000
AB 734825 06.11.2002 Reperte Spice salted sprats 60000
AB 763277 06.11.2002 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 19900
AB 762828 07.11.2002 Fish burgers ect. 20294
AB 762827 07.11.2002 Crab sticks 19719
AB 736104 07.11.2002 Maksiprof Baltic sprats in spices 60000
AB 734823 07.11.2002 Reperte Spice salted sprats 60000
AB 762826 07.11.2002 Crab sticks 19865
AB 683805 08.11.2002 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 20600
AB 683806 08.11.2002 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20600
AB 683804 08.11.2002 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20600
AB 765395 08.11.2002 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 54000
AB 763278 08.11.2002 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 60000
AB 763500 08.11.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 18994
AB 765394 08.11.2002 Irbeni Spicy baltic sprats 54000
AB 768127 08.11.2002 Esmari laevad Frozen baltic herring 20150

     The certificates which were not included in the previous lists:

AB 716850 11.10.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport Seasoned Baltic sprats 19500
AB 716851 11.10.2002 AS Kajax Fishexport Seasoned baltic sprats 20800
AB 717223 11.10.2002 AS Raitar Salted baltic sprats 19900
AB 717226 11.10.2002 AS Raitar Iced baltic sprats 20800


Заступник Голови Служби О. П. Шейко
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