вiд 18.09.2002 р. N 14.1/14.1-3140-ЕП


Начальникам регiональних митниць
Начальникам митниць

     Вiдповiдно до листа Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638 направляємо перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, якi видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцiю за перiод з 2 по 8 вересня 2002 року.

AB 622893 02.09.2002 LTD Maseko herring in oil blanched 47388,5
smoked herring in oil
herring in own juice with oil added
sardines in own juice with oil added
sardines in oil /slices/
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanced
sardinella in oil blanced
sardinella in tomato sauce blanced
sardinella in own juice with oil added
Baltic herring in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in oil blanced
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
mackerel in own juice with oil added
AB 622894 02.09.2002 LTD Maseko fishchops in tomato sauce 20136
fishballs in tomato sauce
smoked sprats paste
AB 622896 04.09.2002 LTD Maseko herring in oil blanched 39581
smoked herring in oil
herring in own juice with oil added
sardines in own juice with oil added
sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanced
sardinella in oil blanced
sardinella in tomato sauce blanced
sardinella in own juice with oil added
Baltic herring in oil blanched
fried Baltic herring in tom. sauce
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in oil blanced
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
mackerel in own juice with oil added
AB 622897 04.09.2002 LTD Maseko fishballs in tomato sauce 28413
smoked sprats paste
AB 622895 04.09.2002 LTD Maseko herring in own juice with oil added 67050
herring in oil blanched
smoked herring in oil
herring in tomato sauce blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanced
sardines in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
fried Baltic herring in tom. sauce
Baltic herring in oil blanched
sardinella in own juice with oil added
sardinella in oil blanched
fried sardinella in tomato sauce
mackerel in tomato sauce blanched
AB 622898 06.09.2002 LTD Maseko sardines in oil /slices/ 62420
smoked sprats in oil
sardinella in own juice with oil added
sardinella in oil blanched
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
mackerel in oil blanced
mackerel in own juice with oil added
mackerel in tomato sauce blanced
AB 719031 06.09.2002 Permare LTD frozen cooked cold water shell-on shrimp 19884
AB 724966 02.09.2002 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 65700
AB 724965 02.09.2002 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 65700
AB 686135 02.09.2002 Makrill Crab stiks 19230
AB 678604 02.09.2002 Maksiprof Salted sprats 20000
AB 736087 02.09.2002 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 721970 04.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab sticks 16454
AB 721971 04.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab stiks 19900
AB 721972 04.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab stikcs 20166
AB721973 04.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab sticks 20300
AB 686136 04.09.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 19072
AB 683298 04.09.2002 Krapesk Baltic spicy sprats 20000
AB 736292 04.09.2002 Palonet Salted sprats in spice 20000
AB 710549 04.09.2002 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20000
AB 721864 05.09.2002 Exma holding Smoked sprats in oil 23894,4
AB 668353 05.09.2002 Spratfil Baltic sprats 20000
AB 686138 06.09.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 19761
AB 712023 06.09.2002 Gramus Spicy salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 736088 06.09.2002 Maksiprof Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB 721984 06.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab sticks 19665
AB 721986 06.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab sticks 20400
AB 721985 06.09.2002 Paljassaare Crab sticks 20200
AB 721983 06.09.2002 Paljassaare Fish fingers 20549
AB 724967 06.09.2002 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 66209
AB 683788 06.09.2002 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20500
AB 683790 06.09.2002 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20500
AB 686140 06.09.2002 Makrill Crab sticks 18752
AB 629533 05.09.2002 HAKO LTD
AB 646493 02.09.2002 VRHL salted baltic sprats 20000
AB 646492 02.09.2002 VRHL salted baltic sprats 20200
AB 651561 03.09.2002 canned fish 66530

     The certificates which were not included in a previous lists by a mistake:

AB 649287 19.07.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4400 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 3000 places, sprats paste 160 gr 220 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 180 places sprats in tomato sause 250 gr 55 places, balticherring in oil 250 gr 55 places, baltic herring in oil 160 gr 110 places, sprats in tomato sause 160 gr 55 places, home-lake sprats 160 gr 110 places, baltic sardines in oil 160 gr 110 places, baltic sardines in tomato sause 160 gr 55 places, sprats in oil 100 gr 200 places, sprats in tomato sauce 100 gr 50 places, baltic sardinnes in oil 100 gr 150 places, baltic sardines in tomato sauce 100 gr 50 places) 67612
AB 649290 09/08/2002 Viru  CANNED FISH 4400 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 1220 plces, sprats paste 160 gr 300 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 500 places, sprats in tomato sauce 250 gr 270 places, baltic herring in oil 250 gr 290 places, fried baltic herroing in tomato sauce 250 gr 200 places, baltic herring in oil 160 gr 400 places, sprats in tomato sauce160 gr 140 places, home-like sprats 160 gr 300 places, baltic sardines in oil 160 gr 280 places, baltic sardines in tomato sauce 160 gr 150 places, sprats in oil 100 gr 100 places, sprats in tomato sause 100 gr 100 places, baltic sardines in oil 100 gr 100 places, baltic sardines in tomato sauce 100 gr 50 places) 67465
AB 727448 14.08.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4355 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 4355 places) 67938
AB 727449 21.08.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4400 places (sprats in oil 100 gr 220 places, sprats in oil 160 gr 3485 places, sprats in tomato sauce 160 gr 40 places sprats in tomato sauce 250 gr 50 places, sprats in tomato sause 100 gr 50 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 100 places, baltic herring in oil 160 gr 40 places, balticherring in oil 250 gr 100 places, sprate paste 160 gr 120 places, fried baltic herring in tomato sause 250 gr 15 places, baltic sardines in oil 160 gr 10 places, baltic sardines in oil 100 gr 100 places, baltic sardines in tomato sause 100 gr 40 plces, home-like sprats 160 gr 20 places, fish rissoles in tomato sause 250 gr 10 places) 67609,50
AB 727454 22.08.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4355 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 4355 carton box) 67938
AB 727457 30.08.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4390 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 3265 places, sprats paste 160 gr 90 places, sprats in oil 250 gr 200 places, baltic herring in oil 250 gr 200 places, fried baltic herring in tomato sause 250 gr 100 places baltic herring in oil 160 gr 35 places baltic sardines in oil 160 gr 200 places, sprats in tomato sause 160 gr 150 places, sprats in oil 100 gr 150 places) 67958
AB 727459 06.09.2002 Viru CANNED FISH 4355 places (sprats in oil 160 gr 4355 places) 67938


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