вiд 14.10.2003 р. N 14/14-2945-ЕП


Начальникам регiональних митниць
Начальникам митниць

     Вiдповiдно до листа Держмитслужби України вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638 направляємо Перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, виданих естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцiю за перiод з 22 по 28 вересня 2003 року.

     Додаток: на 2 арк.


Начальник Управлiння тарифного регулювання О. I. Пашинний



сертифiкатiв EUR.1, виданих естонськими митними органами за перiод з 15 по 21 вересня 2003 року

Номер сертифiката Дата видачi сертифiката Назва експортера Назва товару Вага
AB618815 23.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 20300
AB618779 24.09.2003 Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB618817 24.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19900
AB618819 24.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19900
AB618816 24.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19500
AB618818 24.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 20200
AB618814 25.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19900
AB618821 26.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19000
AB618820 26.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19900
AB618822 26.09.2003 OU Kaabeltau salted baltic sprats 19800
AB618783 26.09.2003 Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB618784 26.09.2003 Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB618781 26.09.2003 Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB618782 26.09.2003 Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB714354 22.09.2003 AS Dagotar canned fish 67650
AB714355 24.09.2003 AS Dagotar canned fish 67260
AB714356 25.09.2003 AS Dagotar canned fish 21863
AB819645 22.09.2003 Krapesk Spicy baltic sprats 20100
AB789080 23.09.2003 Taaviron Spicy salted baltic sprats 20000
AB793623 24.09.2003 Esmari Laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB793622 24.09.2003 Esmari Laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB759652 24.09.2003 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20600
AB803257 24.09.2003 Paljassaare Crab sticks 20080,2
AB803256 24.09.2003 Paljassaare Crab sticks, fish burgers 20185,2
AB809646 24.09.2003 Krapesk Spicy baltic sprats 20600
AB819387 25.09.2003 Makrill Crab sticks 15569,8
AB773561 26.09.2003 Alcandra COM Salted sprats 20000
AB789081 26.09.2003 Taaviron Spicy salted baltic sprats 20000
AB803264 26.09.2003 Paljassaare Fish fingers, burgers, crab sticks ect. 19983
AB789917 26.09.2003 Reperte Spicy salted sprats 20400
AB800323 26.09.2003 Subland Frozen cooked cold water shell-on shrimp 20000
AB822134 22.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20600
AB822142 22.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB822143 23.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 21000
AB822145 24.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20700
AB822144 24.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20700
AB822146 24.09.2003 As Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20700
AB821713 22.09.2003 Maseko LTD smoked herring in oil 64850
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in oil blanched
AB821714 24.09.2003 Maseko LTD herring in oil blanched 65351,5
smoked herring in oil
herring in own juice with oil added
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
sardines in own juice with added
sprats in tomato sauce
Baltic herring in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
fried Baltic herring in tom. sauce
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
sardinella in own juice with oil added
smoked sprats in oil
mackerel in oil blanched
mackerel in own juice with oil added
smoked sprats paste
fishchops in tomato sauce
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