Документ скасований: Лист ДМСУ (до 2012) № 11/3-14/8521-ЕП від 15.07.2005
25.02.2003 | N 11/6-14-2783-ЕП |
Начальникам регiональних митниць | |
Начальникам митниць |
Вiдповiдно до листа
Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638-ЕП
направляємо перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1,
якi видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцiю за перiод з 27 по 31 сiчня 2003.
AB 652411 | 27.01.2003 | frozen sprat | 19900 | |
AB 652413 | 27.01.2003 | spice sprat | 19800 | |
AB 652093 | 28.01.2003 | canned fish | 67040 | |
AB 652095 | 28.01.2003 | canned fish | 67478 | |
AB 652416 | 28.01.2003 | spice sprat | 20600 | |
AB 652417 | 28.01.2003 | frozen sprat | 19900 | |
AB 652238 | 29.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20200 | |
AB 652239 | 29.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652421 | 30.01.2003 | spice sprat | 19800 | |
AB 652242 | 30.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652240 | 30.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652422 | 31.01.2003 | spice sprat | 19800 | |
AB 652246 | 31.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652245 | 31.01.2003 | salted baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652244 | 31.01.2003 | frozen baltic sprats | 20000 | |
AB 652423 | 31.01.2003 | spice sprat | 19800 | |
AB 719003 | 30.01.2003 | Maseko LTD | Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/ | 67650 |
Atlantic sardines in oil blanched | ||||
Atlantic sardines in tomato sauce blan. | ||||
Atl. herring in oil blanched | ||||
smoked herring in oil | ||||
Atl. mackerel in oil blanched | ||||
smoked Baltic herring in oil | ||||
smoked sprats in oil | ||||
AB 719004 | 31.01.2003 | Maseko LTD | smoked sprats in oil | 46268 |
sardinella in own juice with oil added | ||||
sardinella in oil blanched | ||||
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched | ||||
Baltic herring in oil blanched | ||||
smoked Baltic herring in oil | ||||
smoked sprats in oil | ||||
mackerel in oil blanched | ||||
mackerel in own juice with oil added | ||||
mackerel in tomato sauce blanched | ||||
smoked sprats paste | ||||
AB 719005 | 31.01.2003 | Maseko LTD | smoked herring in oil | 18505 |
herring in own juice with oil added | ||||
herring in oil blanched | ||||
herring in tomato sauce blanched | ||||
Atlantic sardines in oil /slices/ | ||||
sardines in oil blanched | ||||
sardines in own juice with oil added | ||||
sardines in tomato sauce blanched | ||||
AB 719818 | salted Baltic sprats | 56000 | ||
AB 720526 | 27.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 20800 |
AB 720527 | 27.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 19500 |
AB 720485 | 29.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | frozen Baltic sprats | 20500 |
AB 720525 | 29.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 56440 |
AB 720524 | 30.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 20800 |
AB 720486 | 31.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 56440 |
AB 720489 | 31.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 20800 |
AB 720488 | 31.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 19500 |
AB 720487 | 31.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 20700 |
AB 720484 | 31.01.2003 | AS Kajax Fishexport | seasoned Baltic sprats | 20800 |
AB 713163 | 27.01.2003 | AS DAGOTAR | frozen fish | 60000 |
AB 661097 | 31.01.2003 | HAKO LTD | SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL | 63140 |
AB 661404 | 28.01.2003 | FROZEN SPRATS | 20000 | |
AB 678347 | 27.01.2003 | Nordline holding | Salted sprats | 20020 |
AB 766754 | 27.01.2003 | Maseko | Smoked sprats in oil | 65700 |
AB 768218 | 27.01.2003 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 20000 |
AB 755213 | 27.01.2003 | Krapesk | Baltic spicy sprats | 20600 |
AB 734796 | 27.01.2003 | Reperte | Spice salted sprats | 56000 |
AB 734832 | 27.01.2003 | Reperte | Spice salted sprats | 20400 |
AB 755801 | 27.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 20378 | |
AB 763299 | 27.01.2003 | Gramus | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 60000 |
AB 763300 | 28.01.2003 | Gramus | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 20600 |
AB 734776 | 28.01.2003 | Alcandra com | Preserv salt sprats | 19600 |
AB 755214 | 28.01.2003 | Irbeni | Spicy baltic sprats | 56000 |
AB 760746 | 29.01.2003 | Makrill | Crab sticks | 18720 |
AB 760747 | 29.01.2003 | Makrill | Crab sticks | 19000 |
AB 766756 | 29.01.2003 | Maseko | Smoked sprats in oil | 65700 |
AB 768220 | 29.01.2003 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 20000 |
AB 784783 | 29.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 19835 | |
AB 768219 | 29.01.2003 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 60000 |
AB 784784 | 29.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 19536 | |
AB 784787 | 30.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 19997 | |
AB 763301 | 30.01.2003 | Gramus | Spicy salted baltic sprats | 56000 |
AB 768221 | 30.01.2003 | Palonet | Salted sprats in spices | 20500 |
AB 760624 | 31.01.2003 | Maksiprof | Salted sprats in spices | 60000 |
AB 734797 | 31.01.2003 | Reperte | Spice salted sprats | 56000 |
AB 755215 | 31.01.2003 | Irbeni | Spicy baltic sprats | 56000 |
AB 784791 | 31.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 19536 | |
AB 784789 | 31.01.2003 | Crab sticks | 20108 | |
AB 734777 | 31.01.2003 | Alcandra com | Preserv salt sprats | 19600 |
Заступник Голови Служби | Ю.М.Дьомiн |
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