04.04.2003 N 11/2-14-5225-ЕП


Начальникам регiональних митниць
Начальникам митниць

     Вiдповiдно до листа Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638-ЕП направляємо перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, якi видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцiю за перiод з 10 по 14 березня 2003 року.

AB652632 10.03.03 AS Laatsa Kalatoost frozen cooked cold
" " " water shell-on shrimp 20000
AB652677 11.03.03 AS Laatsa Kalatoost canned fish 59210
AB652634 11.03.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652678 12.03.03 AS Laatsa Kalatoost canned fish 66360
AB652640 14.03.03 OUSaareFishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652715 14.03.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652717 14.03.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652639 14.03.03 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 19800
AB652565 14.03.03 OU VRHL frozen baltic sprats 20200
AB661414 10.03.03 Palonet OU SALTED SPRATS IN SPICES 19800
AB661743 14.03.03 Hako ltd. SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 49500
AB713606 11.03.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 7500
AB713605 11.03.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 67950
AB713608 13.03.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 67900
AB713609 14.03.03 AS DAGOTAR canned fish 22733,23
AB793605 10.03.03 Esmari laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB789501 10.03.03 Nordline holding Frozen fish 19890
AB794082 10.03.03 Maksiprof Frozen sprats 19800
AB784864 12.03.03 Paljassaarea kalatoostus Crab sticks 20154
AB784865 12.03.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Fish fingers 20273
AB788600 12.03.03 Makrill Crab sticks 18792
AB788601 12.03.03 Makrill Crab sticks 18830
AB766759 12.03.03 Maseko Smoked sprats in oil 18540
AB734786 14.03.03 Alcandra com Preserv salt sprats 19600
AB784872 14.03.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Crab sticks 20066
AB789500 14.03.03 Nordline holding Frozen fish 20160
AB789507 14.03.03 Nordline holding Solted sprats 19900
AB789267 14.03.03 Krapesk Baltic frozen sprats 20500
AB722981 10.03.03 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 60000
AB722982 11.03.03 AS Raitar iced Baltic sprats 18600
AB723303 12.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB723295 07.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB722303 12.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB723302 12.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 60000
AB723304 14.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 21450
AB722983 14.03.03 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 20000
AB723306 17.03.03 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen baltic sprats 20400
AB719025 12.03.03 Maseko LTD Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/, sardines in tomato sauce blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil, peitus sparlings in tomato sauce, smoked sprats in oil, sardinella in tomato sauce with onion, sardinella in t/sauce with sour cabbage, sardinella in own juice with oil added, sardinella in in oil blanched, fish soup;;Atlantic;; 53833,77
AB719028 13.03.03 Maseko LTD sardinella in tomato sauce blanched, smoked herring in oil, herring in tom/sauce with sour cabbage, herring in tom/sauce with onion, herring in own juice with oil added 13109
AB719026 13.03.03 Maseko LTD herring in oil blanched smoked herring in oil , herring in own juice with oil added, Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/, sardines in oil blanched, sardines in tomato sauce blanched, sardines in own juice with oil added, Baltic herring in oil blanched, smoked Baltic herring in oil, fried baltic herring in tom.sauce, sardinella in tomato sauce blanched, sardinella in oil blanched, sardinella in own juice with oil added, peitus sparlings in tomato sauce, smoked sprats in oil 43156,4
AB719027 13.03.03 Maseko LTD mackerel in oil blanched, mackerel in tomato sauce blanched, mackerel in own juice with oil added, fishchops in tomato sauce, smoked sprats paste, fishballs in tomato sauce 24499
AB735970 07.02.03 Kriskal Homogenized imitation products 19854


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