23.06.2003 N 11/2-14-9599-ЕП


Начальникам регiональних митниць
Начальникам митниць

     Вiдповiдно до листа Держмитслужби вiд 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638 направляємо перелiк сертифiкатiв перемiщення EUR.1, якi видавалися естонськими митними органами на рибопродукцiю за перiод з 12 по 18 травня 2003 року.

AB618221 13/05/2003 AS Laatsa Kalatoost canned fish 44700
AB618156 14/05/2003 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB618159 14/05/2003 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 20600
AB618157 14/05/2003 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB618155 14/05/2003 OU Saare Fishexport frozen sprat 19900
AB618158 14/05/2003 OU Saare Fishexport spice sprat 20600
AB618223 16/05/2003 AS Laatsa Kalatoost canned fish 29800
AB713636 12.05.03 As Dagotar canned fish 22500
AB713638 13.05.05 As Dagotar canned fish 66300
AB713640 14.05.05 As Dagotar canned fish 67900
AB661758 15.05.2003 HAKO LTD SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL 29600
AB776988 12.05.03 AS Raitar iced herring 20500
AB777145 12.05.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB777144 12.05.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20800
AB723898 12.05.03 AS Kajax Fishexport seasoned Baltic sprats 20500
AB777421 14.05.03 AS Kajax Fishexport frozen Baltic sprats 60000
AB776997 14.05.03 AS Raitar iced herring 20000
AB777022 16.05.03 OU Nicone iced Baltic sprats 19995
AB717714 16.05.03 AS Kihnu Kala iced Baltic herring 19615
AB777002 16.05.03 AS Raitar salted Baltic sprats 20000
AB723643 12.05.03 Maseko LTD smoked herring in oil 67520
Atlantic sardines in oil(slices) 67520
Atlantic sardines in oil blanched
smoked sprats in oil
smoked sprats paste
AB723646 14.05.03 Maseko LTD mackerel in oil 19452,5
blanched mackerel in tomato sauce
blanched mackerel in own juice with oil added
fishchops in tomato sauce
smoked sprats paste
fishballs in tomato sauce
AB723644 14.05.03 Maseko LTD herring in oil blanched 47906,5
smoked herring in oil
herring in own juice with oil added
Atlantic sardines in oil(slices)
sardines in oil blanched
sardines in tomato sauce blanched
sardines in own juice with oil added
sprats in tomato sauce
Baltic herring in oil blanched
smoked Baltic herring in oil
fried Baltic herring in tom sauce
sardinella in tomato sauce blanched
sardinella in oil blanched
sardinella in own juice with oil added
peitus sparlings in tomato sauce
smoked sprats in oil
AB723647 14.05.03 Maseko LTD herring in own juice with oil added 61343
herring in oil blanched
smoked herring in oil
herring in tomato sauce blanched
sardines in oil blanched
Atlantic sardines in oil(slices)
smoked sprats in oil
smoked sprats paste
AB723648 15.05.03 Maseko LTD Atlantic sardines in oil(slices) 66560
smoked Baltic herring in oil
smoked sprats in oil
Atl.mackerel in oil blanched
Atl.mackerel in own juice oil added
smoked sprats paste
AB723650 16.05.03 Maseko LTD sardines in own juice with oil added 61887
smoked sprats in oil
sardinella in own juice with oil added
smoked Baltic herring in oil
Baltic herring in oil blanched
fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce
mackerel in oil blanched
mackerel in tomato sauce blanched
smoked sprats paste
AB768237 14.05.03 Palonet Salted sprats in spices 20000
AB788647 14.05.03 Makrill Crab sticks 19336
AB759590 14.05.03 Koskel Spicy salted baltic sprats 20500
AB789911 14.05.03 Reperte Spice salted sprats 20400
AB759593 14.05.03 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 20600
AB756022 15.05.03 Subland Frozen cooked cold water shekk-on shrimp 20000
AB798222 15.05.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Fish fingers 20278
AB798224 15.05.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Crab sticks 20184
AB798223 15.05.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Crab sticks 20295
AB798226 15.05.03 Paljassaare kalatoostus Crab stikcs 20295
AB793611 15.05.03 Esmari laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB793612 15.05.03 Esmari laevad Frozen sprats 20150
AB759596 16.05.03 Koskel Frozen baltic sprats 20600
AB788649 16.05.03 Makrill Crab stikcs 17280
AB756025 16.05.03 Subland Frozen cooked cold water shellon shrimp 20000


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